Lesson 63 -- Stuff You Won't Like Knowing
Science is often neither reliable nor accurate. It is only rarely free of prejudice.
Biblical exegesis and interpretation is often shaped by prior goals and commitments
Virtually all politicians who've been in office a decade or longer are corrupt.
Many teachers, at all levels, understand the topics they teach poorly.
Many teachers who teach writing and 'independent thought' are themselves capable of neither.
All social groups and organizations indoctrinate their members, both deliberately and inadvertently.
Original sin is both real and pervasive. While few if any things are as evil as possible, all things are evil or corrupt to some degree.
Modern medicine is inexorably facilitating the decline of Homo sapiens as a biological species.
The person to whom most people lie most frequently, and most successfully, is themselves.
Most sales and marketing techniques appeal to one or more of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Differences between human races are of the same sort as differences between breeds of dogs, because "races" ARE "breeds".
Differences between human 'breeds' are significant, real and not subject to modification by social or educational means.